Accounting Period
A period used for accounting period.
Child Components
Type Code 0..1
Action Code 0..1
Identifier 0..∞
UUID 0..1
Source Identifier 0..1
Party Identifier 0..1
Identifier Set 0..∞
Related Identifier 0..∞
Period Identifier 0..1
Post Date Time 0..1
Year 0..1
Name 0..1
Effective Time Period 0..1
Extension 1..1
UML Class Model
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@startuml AccountingPeriod
class AccountingPeriod {
String [[/docs/type-code TypeCode]]
CodeList [[/docs/action-code ActionCode]]
String [[/docs/identifier Identifier]]
String [[/docs/uuid UUID]]
String [[/docs/source-identifier SourceIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/party-identifier PartyIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/period-identifier PeriodIdentifier]]
TimePoint [[/docs/post-date-time PostDateTime]]
TimePoint [[/docs/year Year]]
String [[/docs/name Name]]
class IdentifierSet {
[[/docs/identifier-set details]]→
class RelatedIdentifier {
[[/docs/related-identifier details]]→
class EffectiveTimePeriod {
[[/docs/effective-time-period details]]→
AccountingPeriod o-d- "0...∞" IdentifierSet
AccountingPeriod o-r- "0...∞" RelatedIdentifier
AccountingPeriod o-u- "0...1" EffectiveTimePeriod
hide circle
Where Used
Following is a list of components that have Accounting Period as a child component.
- Actual Ledger
- Budget Ledger Line
- Invoice Ledger Entry Header
- Item Instance Usage
- Journal Entry Header
- Match Document Header
- Payable Header
- Receivable Header
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UUID: 57858d0342e54481940d038c4580792f
connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2