Emergency Contact
Child Components
Type Code 0..1
Action Code 0..1
Language Code 0..1
Identifier 0..∞
UUID 0..1
Source Identifier 0..1
Party Identifier 0..1
Identifier Set 0..∞
Related Identifier 0..∞
Person Name 0..1
Description 0..∞
Gender Code 0..1
Marital Status Code 0..1
Birth Date Time 0..1
Death Date Time 0..1
Age Measure 0..∞
Language Code 0..∞
Nationality Country Code 0..1
Address 0..∞
Communication 0..∞
Role Code 0..∞
Job Title 0..1
Responsibility 0..∞
Organization Unit Identifier 0..1
Telephone Communication 0..∞
EMail Address Communication 0..∞
Internet Address Communication 0..∞
Preference 0..1
Effective Time Period 0..1
Extension 1..1
UML Class Model
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml EmergencyContact
class EmergencyContact {
String [[/docs/type-code TypeCode]]
CodeList [[/docs/action-code ActionCode]]
String [[/docs/language-code LanguageCode]]
String [[/docs/identifier Identifier]]
String [[/docs/uuid UUID]]
String [[/docs/source-identifier SourceIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/party-identifier PartyIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/description Description]]
CodeList [[/docs/gender-code GenderCode]]
CodeList [[/docs/marital-status-code MaritalStatusCode]]
TimePoint [[/docs/birth-date-time BirthDateTime]]
TimePoint [[/docs/death-date-time DeathDateTime]]
Number [[/docs/age-measure AgeMeasure]]
String [[/docs/language-code LanguageCode]]
String [[/docs/nationality-country-code NationalityCountryCode]]
String [[/docs/role-code RoleCode]]
String [[/docs/job-title JobTitle]]
String [[/docs/responsibility Responsibility]]
String [[/docs/organization-unit-identifier OrganizationUnitIdentifier]]
class IdentifierSet {
[[/docs/identifier-set details]]→
class RelatedIdentifier {
[[/docs/related-identifier details]]→
class PersonName {
[[/docs/person-name details]]→
class Address {
[[/docs/address details]]→
class Communication {
[[/docs/communication details]]→
class TelephoneCommunication {
[[/docs/telephone-communication details]]→
class EMailAddressCommunication {
[[/docs/email-address-communication details]]→
class InternetAddressCommunication {
[[/docs/internet-address-communication details]]→
class Preference {
[[/docs/preference details]]→
class EffectiveTimePeriod {
[[/docs/effective-time-period details]]→
EmergencyContact o-d- "0...∞" IdentifierSet
EmergencyContact o-r- "0...∞" RelatedIdentifier
EmergencyContact o-u- "0...1" PersonName
EmergencyContact o-l- "0...∞" Address
EmergencyContact o-d- "0...∞" Communication
EmergencyContact o-u- "0...∞" TelephoneCommunication
EmergencyContact o-d- "0...∞" EMailAddressCommunication
EmergencyContact o-u- "0...∞" InternetAddressCommunication
EmergencyContact o-d- "0...1" Preference
EmergencyContact o-u- "0...1" EffectiveTimePeriod
hide circle
Where Used
Following is a list of components that have Emergency Contact as a child component.
OAGi and its members welcome your feedback.
UUID: cb904a27eda34f7f97bde22f07c18f0b
connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2