Move Product Forecast Line

Identifies the line items being Movemented providing information about the source and destination of the Movement.

Child Components

Type Code 0..1
Action Code 0..1
Line Number Identifier 0..1
Line Identifier Set 0..∞
Description 0..∞
Note 0..∞
Document Reference 0..∞
Attachment 0..∞
Item 0..1
Item Instance 0..∞
Quantity 0..∞
Status 0..1
Reason Code 0..∞
Transfer Type Code 0..1
Forecast Date Time 0..1
Forecasted Quantity 0..∞
Available Inventory Quantity 0..1
Open Purchase Order Quantity 0..∞
Shipped Sales Order Quantity 0..∞
Bill To Party 0..1
Payment 0..1
Owner Party 0..1
Sold To Party 0..1
Ship From Party 0..1
Ship From Location 0..1
Carrier Party 0..∞
Warehouse Party 0..∞
Deliver To Party 0..1
Party 0..∞
Ship To Location 0..1
Shipment Unit 0..1
Transport Step 0..∞
Total Cost Amount 0..1
Tax 0..∞
Total Tax 0..1
Total Tax Amount 0..1
Total Amount 0..1
Extension 1..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml MoveProductForecastLine

class MoveProductForecastLine {
    String [[/docs/type-code TypeCode]]
    CodeList [[/docs/action-code ActionCode]]
    String [[/docs/line-number-identifier LineNumberIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/note Note]]
    Number [[/docs/quantity Quantity]]
    String [[/docs/reason-code ReasonCode]]
    CodeList [[/docs/transfer-type-code TransferTypeCode]]
    TimePoint [[/docs/forecast-date-time ForecastDateTime]]
    Number [[/docs/total-cost-amount TotalCostAmount]]
    Number [[/docs/total-tax-amount TotalTaxAmount]]
    Number [[/docs/total-amount TotalAmount]]

class LineIdentifierSet {
    [[/docs/line-identifier-set details]]→

class DocumentReference {
    [[/docs/document-reference details]]→

class Attachment {
    [[/docs/attachment details]]→

class Item {
    [[/docs/item details]]→

class ItemInstance {
    [[/docs/item-instance details]]→

class Status {
    [[/docs/status details]]→

class ForecastedQuantity {
    [[/docs/forecasted-quantity details]]→

class AvailableInventoryQuantity {
    [[/docs/available-inventory-quantity details]]→

class OpenPurchaseOrderQuantity {
    [[/docs/open-purchase-order-quantity details]]→

class ShippedSalesOrderQuantity {
    [[/docs/shipped-sales-order-quantity details]]→

class BillToParty {
    [[/docs/bill-to-party details]]→

class Payment {
    [[/docs/payment details]]→

class OwnerParty {
    [[/docs/owner-party details]]→

class SoldToParty {
    [[/docs/sold-to-party details]]→

class ShipFromParty {
    [[/docs/ship-from-party details]]→

class ShipFromLocation {
    [[/docs/ship-from-location details]]→

class CarrierParty {
    [[/docs/carrier-party details]]→

class WarehouseParty {
    [[/docs/warehouse-party details]]→

class DeliverToParty {
    [[/docs/deliver-to-party details]]→

class Party {
    [[/docs/party details]]→

class ShipToLocation {
    [[/docs/ship-to-location details]]→

class ShipmentUnit {
    [[/docs/shipment-unit details]]→

class TransportStep {
    [[/docs/transport-step details]]→

class Tax {
    [[/docs/tax details]]→

class TotalTax {
    [[/docs/total-tax details]]→

MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" LineIdentifierSet
MoveProductForecastLine o-r- "0...∞" DocumentReference
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...∞" Attachment
MoveProductForecastLine o-l- "0...1" Item
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" ItemInstance
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" Status
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" ForecastedQuantity
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" AvailableInventoryQuantity
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" OpenPurchaseOrderQuantity
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...∞" ShippedSalesOrderQuantity
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" BillToParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" Payment
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" OwnerParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" SoldToParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" ShipFromParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" ShipFromLocation
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" CarrierParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...∞" WarehouseParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" DeliverToParty
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...∞" Party
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" ShipToLocation
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...1" ShipmentUnit
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...∞" TransportStep
MoveProductForecastLine o-u- "0...∞" Tax
MoveProductForecastLine o-d- "0...1" TotalTax

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Move Product Forecast Line as a child component.


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UUID: 02cee00056044d82bb1901b786994258

connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2