Party Classification

This is used to classify the Party under various categories

Child Components

Type Code 0..1
Action Code 0..1
Identifier 0..∞
UUID 0..1
Source Identifier 0..1
Party Identifier 0..1
Identifier Set 0..∞
Related Identifier 0..∞
UNSPSC Code 0..1
Codes 0..∞
Description 0..∞
Note 0..∞
Code List Value 0..∞
Effective Time Period 0..∞
Indicators 0..∞
Extension 1..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
You can save the file locally and use it, for example, in PowerPoint.
SVG File
@startuml PartyClassification

class PartyClassification {
    String [[/docs/type-code TypeCode]]
    CodeList [[/docs/action-code ActionCode]]
    String [[/docs/identifier Identifier]]
    String [[/docs/uuid UUID]]
    String [[/docs/source-identifier SourceIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/party-identifier PartyIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/unspsc-code UNSPSCCode]]
    String [[/docs/description Description]]
    String [[/docs/note Note]]

class IdentifierSet {
    [[/docs/identifier-set details]]→

class RelatedIdentifier {
    [[/docs/related-identifier details]]→

class Codes {
    [[/docs/codes details]]→

class CodeListValue {
    [[/docs/code-list-value details]]→

class EffectiveTimePeriod {
    [[/docs/effective-time-period details]]→

class Indicators {
    [[/docs/indicators details]]→

PartyClassification o-d- "0...∞" IdentifierSet
PartyClassification o-r- "0...∞" RelatedIdentifier
PartyClassification o-u- "0...∞" Codes
PartyClassification o-l- "0...∞" CodeListValue
PartyClassification o-d- "0...∞" EffectiveTimePeriod
PartyClassification o-u- "0...∞" Indicators

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Party Classification as a child component.


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UUID: 1e78b64d5f2f4329b53b5a7443673f21

connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2