Routing Disposition
This determines the receipt routing of an item or part.
Examples of values include: Customer consignment, Inspection, Vendor consignment, Blocked Bonded, User defined
Possible synonyms are Receipt Routing, Material Status, Material Condition Code
Child Components
Type Code 0..1
Action Code 0..1
Identifier 0..∞
UUID 0..1
Source Identifier 0..1
Party Identifier 0..1
Identifier Set 0..∞
Related Identifier 0..∞
Code 0..∞
Description 0..∞
Reason Code 0..∞
Reason 0..∞
Effective Time Period 0..1
Status Indicator 0..∞
Extension 1..1
UML Class Model
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@startuml RoutingDisposition
class RoutingDisposition {
String [[/docs/type-code TypeCode]]
CodeList [[/docs/action-code ActionCode]]
String [[/docs/identifier Identifier]]
String [[/docs/uuid UUID]]
String [[/docs/source-identifier SourceIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/party-identifier PartyIdentifier]]
String [[/docs/code Code]]
String [[/docs/description Description]]
String [[/docs/reason-code ReasonCode]]
String [[/docs/reason Reason]]
String [[/docs/status-indicator StatusIndicator]]
class IdentifierSet {
[[/docs/identifier-set details]]→
class RelatedIdentifier {
[[/docs/related-identifier details]]→
class EffectiveTimePeriod {
[[/docs/effective-time-period details]]→
RoutingDisposition o-d- "0...∞" IdentifierSet
RoutingDisposition o-r- "0...∞" RelatedIdentifier
RoutingDisposition o-u- "0...1" EffectiveTimePeriod
hide circle
Where Used
Following is a list of components that have Routing Disposition as a child component.
OAGi and its members welcome your feedback.
UUID: 60ed40dd281c49368ff4cb0c3ceb2b75
connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2