Application Area

Provides the information that an application may need to know in order to communicate in an integration of two or more business applications. The ApplicationArea is used at the applications layer of communication. While the integration frameworks web services and middleware provide the communication layer that OAGIS operates on top of.

Child Components

Sender 0..1
Intermediary 0..∞
Receiver 0..∞
Creation Date Time 1..1
Signature 0..1
Scenario Identifier 0..1
Correlation Identifier 0..1
BOD Identifier 0..1
Security Classification 0..∞
Extension 1..1

UML Class Model

The following link opens the SVG image in a separate browser tab.
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SVG File
@startuml ApplicationArea

class ApplicationArea {
    TimePoint [[/docs/creation-date-time CreationDateTime]]
    String [[/docs/scenario-identifier ScenarioIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/correlation-identifier CorrelationIdentifier]]
    String [[/docs/bod-identifier BODIdentifier]]

class Sender {
    [[/docs/sender details]]→

class Intermediary {
    [[/docs/intermediary details]]→

class Receiver {
    [[/docs/receiver details]]→

class Signature {
    [[/docs/signature details]]→

class SecurityClassification {
    [[/docs/security-classification details]]→

ApplicationArea o-d- "0...1" Sender
ApplicationArea o-r- "0...∞" Intermediary
ApplicationArea o-u- "0...∞" Receiver
ApplicationArea o-l- "0...1" Signature
ApplicationArea o-d- "0...∞" SecurityClassification

hide circle

Where Used

Following is a list of components that have Application Area as a child component.


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UUID: e8f1f16759e440c2911522aaee3ae97c

connectSpec (OAGIS) Version 10.11.2